
Mindset Symphony NFTs are a unique and exclusive digital asset that represents access to a world of resources for personal growth and development, a connection to a thriving community of like-minded individuals, and a contribution to universal mindset development. As a holder of the Success Mindset NFT, you are investing in your own personal growth and the growth of others, as well as enabling more people to access mind, body, and spirit personal development. 25% of the Royalties from these NFTs will be used to develop AI Technology Education (AITE) in Africa.

Radiant Mindsets #9

Crypto: 0.4 WETH
Contract address: 0x386...0f95
Token ID: #8
Token standard: ERC721
Date created:May 18, 2023
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Ownership of sub-license: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]


Mindset Symphony NFTs are a unique and exclusive digital asset that represents access to a world of resources for personal growth and development, a connection to a thriving community of like-minded individuals, and a contribution to universal mindset development. As a holder of the Success Mindset NFT, you are investing in your own personal growth and the growth of others, as well as enabling more people to access mind, body, and spirit personal development. 25% of the Royalties from these NFTs will be used to develop AI Technology Education (AITE) in Africa.